The GetMouseMovePointsEx function retrieves a history of up to 64 previous coordinates of the mouse or pen.
Here is a demo that replays our mouse movements…
void ReplayMouseMovements() { // Current cursor position POINT ptCurrentPoint = { 0 }; GetCursorPos( &ptCurrentPoint ); // Record marker, mouse co-ordinates prior(and including) to this point is returned in // the recorded array of points MOUSEMOVEPOINT mmpSamplePoint = { 0 }; mmpSamplePoint.x = ptCurrentPoint.x; mmpSamplePoint.y = ptCurrentPoint.y; // Count of records expected, MSDN says max points returned will be 64 // Anything greater than 64 results in error, API returns -1 const DWORD dwMaxPoints = 64; // On return from function will hold last recorded mouse movements MOUSEMOVEPOINT mmpRecordedMovements[dwMaxPoints] = { 0 }; const DWORD dwMode = GMMP_USE_DISPLAY_POINTS; // Get all points prior to sample point const int nPtCount = GetMouseMovePointsEx( sizeof( mmpSamplePoint ), &mmpSamplePoint, mmpRecordedMovements, dwMaxPoints , dwMode ) ; // Loop through and animate for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nPtCount; nIndex++) { SetCursorPos( mmpRecordedMovements[nIndex].x, mmpRecordedMovements[nIndex].y ); Sleep( 80 ); } } // End ReplayMouseMovements
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